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A game based on sound

a simple design and endless possibilities

Inspired by Memory,
our game exlpores
sound recognition
instead of pictures.

Thus, it is accessible
not only for children
but also for the elderly
and the visually impaired.

Hybrid game
Combines a physical board game with an online sonic universe within emerging game categories.
Cognitive stimulation
Activates several senses to develop cognitive abilities and memory.
Durable and responsible
Uses durable and esthetically pleasing materials. Local supply chains are favored.
Enables a wide variety of sound-based experiences: memory, quizzes, blind test, music or language training, etc.
Fosters social contact, places players on equal level of difficulty in spite of age or ability differences.

A touch of magic

No technical elements are visible on the wooden board and tiles.

A clean minimalist design, easy to manufacture.

The controller detects the lifted tile remotely and plays the associated sound.

Our team

Ivan Gulizia's picture

Ivan Gulizia


Media designer

HEAD, Mamco, Studio KOH, FOJ, SOS Médecins
Jeremy Gobet's picture

Jeremy Gobet


Innovation consultant

Global Game Jam, HES-SO, Kudelski, Schindler, BNP
Priscilla Chevrot's picture

Priscilla Chevrot


Marketing manager

Education First, CICR, AIESEC, UniGE, HEP
Jean Groff's picture

Jean Groff


Serial entrepreneur

CERN, HP, Fotolabo, Twint, Netvibes, Studio KOH
Adrien Lescourt's picture

Adrien Lescourt


Computer engineer

CERN, HEPIA, Pictet, Ncilab


Your game is more than inclusive,
it has what is called a universal design !

– Association for the good of the Blind (ABA), Geneva

I can imagine using this game
for my introductory lessons to music

– Jorris Favre, Music teacher (Guido project)

Very strong idea

– Yuri Suzuki, Artist and designer